“There is always something left to love.” —Gabriel Garcia Márquez
About Me
I’m a fourth-year Ph.D. student at Stanford University. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Benjamin Van Roy. Previously, I received a B.S. degree in honors mathematics with a minor in computer science from the University of Michigan. During my undergraduate years, I had the pleasure of working with Prof. Hamsa Bastani, Prof. Osbert Bastani, and Prof. Ruiwei Jiang.
Research Interests
My research interest primarily lies in reinforcement learning. I aspire to design agents that learn to make decisions efficiently under complex, uncertain environments. I am also excited about developing principled methods for fine-tuning language models with human feedback.
Professional Experience
- Research Intern, Microsoft Research, 2024. Mentors: Adith Swaminathan, Ching-An Cheng.
- Research Intern, Meta AI, 2023. Mentor: Dmytro Korenkevych.
Email: wanqiaoxu [at] stanford.edu